A project of the Detroit Food Policy Council

Community Land Trusts

In recent years, community land trusts (CLTs) have come to take on three main roles in support of urban agriculture. First, some CLTs formed to support affordable housing have come to hold land for community gardens and urban farms. Second, some of these housing-focused CLTs have provided programmatic support for urban agriculture, other than taking on ownership of land. And, third, a few organizations have been founded as community land trusts that are exclusively focused on urban agriculture, adapting some of the techniques for community-focused governance from the CLT model developed in housing.


The Land Alliance, as part of its new Center for CLT Innovation program, has developed this resource page to provide a variety of tools that will be helpful in implementing CLT-based approaches to urban farming — as well as to anyone interested in securing long-term land tenure for urban agriculture.


Publications, Presentations and Other Resources

The following resources can hep you learn more about CLTs and their benefits to urban agriculture projects. 

Academic Papers

Magazine Articles




Amy Kuras